Transpersonal Development with Emma Bennett
Your Beliefs (& Limiting Beliefs) Full Audio & Guidance Available

Your Beliefs (& Limiting Beliefs) Full Audio & Guidance Available

Having Loving Awareness of What's Really Going On

Emalani is a multimedia publication service by Emma Emalani Bennett, an author, teacher, and transpersonal empowerment coach. It’s designed for maverick entrepreneurs, creators, healers, and innovators who want to achieve holistic prosperity on their own terms. Each week, you'll receive guidance on self-love, leadership, success, and wealth, drawing from various disciplines such as psychobiology, transpersonal psychology, and spirituality. Get free previews and subscribe for $30 per month to access Emma's insights and coaching. With your subscription, you'll receive biweekly private coaching podcast episodes and full access to the archives to help you on your journey of personal and professional growth.

In today’s coaching episode:

When we play a game that requires us to guess an answer, we often have an experience of second-guessing ourselves where we feel like we should have gone with the answer that first popped in our heads, but we didn’t.

Why? We were doubting our ability to guess the right answer. We somehow did not really believe that we got it, so we pull back and we try to come up with an alternative and we try to think really fast and grind the answer out of our brains, and then of course we just feel silly because we had it and we knew it but why did we not believe ourselves. This is my lead up to limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are essentially our doubts that we have the solutions, have the solutions, the answers, the way forward, our doubts and our abilities, our talents, our doubts in future outcomes, and these come from associations that our brains make.

The full episode and following coaching guidance is available for premium subscribers.

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Transpersonal Development with Emma Bennett
Revealing the beauty and brilliance of humanity and the world, one story, one episode at a time. Just as she graduated from university, Emma Bennett slipped on a spill in the stairwell and her life was forever altered in unimaginable ways. Since then, Emma has leveraged conscious adaptation to heal and create change through neuroplasticity, which changed her mind about what it means to live creatively. Now, Emma writes, speaks, and teaches on how to leverage the hidden powers of their remarkable brains, nervous systems, bodies, and spirits.